on to '12 season  


  4/28/12 Illia's Eggs- 12 eggs hatched from a FRIZZLED Tolbunt roo (from Green Acres) over several color of hens, I lost one the next day, petted out 4 with really bad crests, and gave mom the 2 buff lace- left 5 for me. I petted out the smooth GL roo & the wc/mottled black hen.  I ended up keeping the 2 GL frizzle roos (Emmett & Jasper), and the GL hen (Alice)  


  5/2/12 Dancing Hen Farm eggs- 6 hatched from eggs I got out of a Tolbunt roo (Bare Necessities) over 3 Tolbunt hens (2 Creekside, 1 Jim Parker) and a GL hen- I got an AWESOME GL split hen, 3 tolbunt hens, and 2 tolbunt roos. I will be hanging on to the 4 hens for now. 


Plus I hatched out several batches from my 2 pens:

"TP pen" GL split roo over 3 Tolbunt hens

"SP pen" GL split over 3 GL split hens

and "MP pen" when we "mixed" all 6 hens & both roos in a pen for last 2 batches


I will say that there were alot of GL splits born- kept a few, but sold most, 6-8 blue based tolbunt or splits (culled- never made it to day 2), and 2 dark tolbunts I gave away that disappear from the pics as the birds age. Also there was the funky cinnamon red colored "tolbunt" I gave to mom to see what it grew into.... she loves weird ones. 

The dark ones ONLY came from the pen with the tolbunt hens, the cinnamon baby came from the split pen, and BOTH pens gave me blue factor babies. That was disappointing for me, I had hoped to breed away from blue factor using the splits.




Random Group pics of the 2012 babies as they grow.....