T6     Firefly 3*P x Swiss *B 

DOB 2/6/25  -  Disbudded/ brown eyes  - F4  

Dam on MDGA's top 10 in 2023!! Sire out of unbroken line of + & ++ bucks on his sire's side.

$550- on bottle can leave ASAP

sibling has extra teat

Dam's udder

Sire's Dam

Dam, Firefly's, genetic accolades:

 MDGA 305 top 10 list in 2023

Dam: MDGA 305 day top 10 list in 2020  and the 2021 top 10 list also (all 3 categories)

Dam's Dam: MDGA 305 day top 10 list in 2020 and (2 categories) the 2019 top 5 list 

Paternal Sister: MDGA 305 top 10 list in 2023

T20 & T21    Tilly 3*P x Blue *B 

DOB 2/19/25  -  Disbudded/ blue eyes  - F2  

Dam on MDGA's top 10 in 2020 & 2021!! Sire's grand dam ADGA National Champion '22 & reserve National GCh '24.

$650- both on bottle & can leave ASAP

          Pending- O.B. 

     T20 (spotted & blue eyes)

Dam, Tilly's, genetic accolades:
MDGA 305 day top 10 list in 2020
MDGA 305 day top 10 list in 2021 (2 catagories)

Dam: MDGA 305 top 10 list in 2020

BOTH Grand-dams : MDGA 305 day top 5 list in 2018 (Dam's sire & dam's G-dam)

Dam's udder

Sire's Dam

     T21  (blue eyes)

Sire, Blue's, genetic accolades: 

Dam GCH 3*M 

Dam's Dam GCH 2*M  ADGA National Champion '22 & ADGA Reserve National Champion '24   

 (GCH Big Hoofhearted RB Luna 2*M)

Dam's Sire- SG buck with MANY GCH & milk starred daughters (SG Urban Acres Charming Troubadour +*B)

Sire's dam:  MDGA 1- day top 10 list in 2020 (all 3 categories)

Sire's maternal sister: MDGA 305 top 10 list in 2021 (2 categories)


Our goats are overall dam raised, we introduce bottles early due to milk testing day ease, however some will start rejecting bottles as time goes on and only want their dam- being ok to eat hay and pellets on milk test day. 

Kids can leave after 2 weeks old if they accept bottles or are completely on the bottle. If you prefer bottle raised kids, I would have yours picked up sooner rather than later to maintain her to be a bottle baby as that is not a focus here due to our work schedules.

 Doelings can stay here on their dam until 10 weeks old, 

but may leave as early as 8 weeks old. 

 10 weeks old is when we wean girls here-  they are separated to another area with ONLY other doelings at that age. Staying longer than 10 weeks will not have them drinking milk longer than that. If you prefer doelings to have milk until 12 weeks or later- pick a baby that likes bottles and plan to get them ASAP.