This show I finally felt like I was starting to get things posed better. I really need to start working with the goats I plan to show ahead of time so that they are more accepting of setting them up- mine are still a bit like mules for stubbornness. My friend came out and helped me get pictures, I realized there were a couple I needed to get different pictures of so I got a tripod. Tripods for cell phones (or any cameras) are a major game changer- I feel like I can take my time and am not forcing anyone or annoying them with how long it might take me to get the picture I want. I am more relaxed and so the goats are too. I will say- front facing camera didn't work as well for picture quality. It was nice to see how the pose looked- but was burry and switched the side of the goat- left side looked like right and vice versa. Two Socks has examples on her page.