Rhinelanders are a running breed of rabbit get them started on the table young!!
I first got Rhinelanders fall of 2008. I got 3 does from the Halseys and a buck from the Cunninghams. I picked up other rabbits from breeders and bred and showed them for 4 years. My favorite show was the east coast nations that I won all four classes (so swept the show). at that point only the black variety was recognized- now there are 2 varieties- black and blue. I had to sell my rabbits when we moved to Battle Creek in 2012 so I spent 4 years almost without rabbits there.
Fall of 2016 I brought home a buck from the Carr's I had transported in. I had a few more transported in over the few months and was attending shows again in 2017. I was still building my herd back to where I wanted them and early July '18 I sent the last of my brood only stock to a friend's who would take them to a show for the meat buyer in a few weeks. I was super excited for fall shows as I had a great line up of rabbits finally to show and due to my work schedule couldn't make it to the spring shows.
On Friday July 13th 2018 my air conditioner failed in the rabbit barn, and all the rabbits died but one (we named him Jason). It took weeks to talk about and I still can't talk about it without crying- but I was able to go get my culls back from my friend's house and pick up more rabbits from the Cunninghams & Paige Smith to replenish the herd and everything has been ok since.
Rhinelanders- mostly of the past. there are a few on here that are still here.
Mosaic's Skittles- brood doe- produced more excellent show rabbits for me than any rabbit so far.
Past Rabbits- recent and from years ago....
![](https://tolbuntpolish.tripod.com/webonmediacontents/Ghost Rider.jpg?1638576671489)
![](https://tolbuntpolish.tripod.com/webonmediacontents/Carr Buck.jpg?1638576671995)