Tilly has done well at virtual and live shows so far. 2021 Spring V-Show Tilly got Reserve Champion in ring 1. she has gotten multiple 1st places in several virtual shows - including several with best udder in class. Her only live show so far she got Grand Champion and best udder in Mini Nubian class.
She had a nice show udder and nice "show" teats as a first freshener- which meant they were not as easy to hand milk as my big wide teat girls that year. Her second freshening udder was much easier to hand milk from. She produces alot of milk and has a nice strong stream. Tilly on the 2020 305 day milk test top 10 list was #2 in BF %, as well as the 2021 305 day milk test top 10 list was #4 in BF wt & #1 in BF %. Her Dam, Monsoon, on the 2020 305 day milk test top 10 list was #2 in BF wt & #1 in BF %.
Tilly's maternal grand-dam does have her milk star(*P), as does her maternal grand-sire's dam (2*P). Tilly's maternal grand-dam was in MDGA's 2018 top 5 for % Butterfat (#3). Her dam has her milk star.
Tilly's paternal grand-dam has her milk star(3*P), as does her dam (2*P), and her paternal grand-sire's dam (*P). Tilly's paternal grand-dam was in MDGA's 2018 top 5 for "Lbs. of Fat"(she was #5).
Sire: Green Gables World Greatest Marxman *B
Dame: Foggy Fork Farm Cascading Monsoon 2*P

FF udder

2nd freshening udder