Tessa is a very pretty girl, her rump is a little steeper than I would like to see- but she has great length, width, and depth of body! Really good brisket and width between her rear legs are nice perks too. She also has great ears- which you can't milk.... but it is a part of our breed standard so should be considered too.
Her FF udder has very nice attachments, great teat size for hand or machine milking, strong milk streams and milks down fast. I really like her teat placement compared to her dam's teats.
Her dam, Countess, has a very nice high, wide, & tight udder with excellent attachments; as do her dam and grand-dams.
Her sire's dam, HBK's Pippi Longstocking, on the 2019 1-day milk test top 5 list was - #3 in BF %

Tessa FF Udder

Dam's udder

Sire's paternal sister's udder

Sire's dam's &
Sire's Sire's Dam's udders

Paternal 1/2 sister's udder

More Paternal 1/2 sisters' udder

Above Left- Opal
Above Right- Clover
Right- Finny

Dam's family udders