Another goat I didn't plan to keep but wanted another Hawkeye daughter and with the milk and show results from both sides of her pedigree- decided she should really stay. I am very happy I did keep her as we lost her dam the following year.
On a fun note- her mom was named after her breeder's daughter as she was born on the daughter Belle's B-day. I named Bunny for one of my best friend's as she was born on Jenny's B-day!! way to keep it in the family Bunny!!!
Bunny gets prettier every day- I just love this goat. She freshend with a beautifully shaped udder that is very well attached. her teat placement is very nice and her teats ae good size for hand or machine milking. She has strong milk streams.
Sire: Green Gables World Greatest Marxman *B
SS: Green Gables SF Dash of Freedom *B
Dam: Blackberry's BM Belle of the Ball