Nebula has excellent length of body, as well as very nice depth and width!!
She is great on the milk stand, has nice attachments, wonderful teat size for hand or machine milking, strong milk streams and milks down fast.
I am very pleased with her FF udder and look forward to seeing her 2nd freshening!
Nebula was on the 2023 MDGA 305 day milk test top 10 list was #7 in BF %.
Her dam VMCH Sin was on the 2021 MDGA 305 day milk test top 10 list was #7 in BF wt & #4 in BF %. Sin's Dam, Snowflake Obsidian, on the 2020 1-day milk test top 10 list was - #3 in TP, #5 in Milk WT, and #7 in BF %. Her Sire's dam, VFMCH Seagal 2*P, was on the 2018 top 5 list placing #5 in TP and #4 in Milk WT.

Nebula FF Udder

Nebula 2F Udder
kids have her a bit uneven currently

Dam's udder

Dam's Dam

Dam's Sire's Dam

Maternal 1/2 sister's udder

Nebula & her dam, Sin.

Sire's Dam's Udder
Paternal 1/2 sister's udder

Paternal 1/2 sister's udder